My Suggested Checklist for Before You Travel

Visa Information: Before you travel anywhere you should look up the visa requirements for that country. You should also do this as far in advance as possible. Although some places may not require a visa at all, some may require a longer process and you want to make sure you have plenty of time. For example, we had to apply for Vietnam Visas in advance, had to have photos taken, and be prepared for things needed upon landing there to enter the country. You should also be aware of charges you may incur when entering certain countries.

Government Warnings: It can be valuable to check the warnings on the US Government website before you travel somewhere. However, it can also be important to take these warnings with a grain of salt. Sometimes I think if we heeded every government warning we’d never have been anywhere. Remember if many American cities had their own warnings, they may be similar to some of the countries that get labeled “unsafe”. Use your judgement but always take note of the recommendations on the government page. The page also often lists neighborhoods or specifically unsafe areas which I feel can be a little more helpful than giving a whole country an “unsafe” label.

Copies of Important Documents: It is very smart to always travel with photos/copies of your passport, drivers license, credit cards, and any other paperwork you may need within a certain country. This is extremely useful in case of any sort of emergency or theft. I also advise sending photos to a friend or family member so if you were to somehow lose everything they can send those photos to you.

Customs/Traditions/Clothing: Depending on where you are traveling these can be major or minor things to be aware of. For example when we were traveling in Abu Dhabi I needed to be very aware of my clothing as a woman. There is also a level of respect that comes with this awareness. Sometimes, you don’t have to follow the rules, but it feels like the right and respectful thing to be aware and to do so. I like to be a self aware traveler and to respect the rules, customs, etc in another country.

Money: It is helpful to know what the currency is in the country you’re traveling to. You should know how to get money, what the exchange rate is, and whether or not cash or credit is king in the area you’re visiting. You should also look for where you will get the best exchange rate. We often use ATM’s in the airport. However, in Chile, for example this was extremely costly and we ended up avoiding cash at all costs. So make sure you really look into how to exchange in the country you are in and what is the best way to do it.

Language: This one might seem simple, but you never know! There are many countries where multiple languages are spoken in different areas or communities. For example in Switzerland people speak German, Italian, French, and likely other languages as well. In Slovenia there are many different dialects of their language in different areas so many Slovenians actually speak English as well.

Tipping at meals: It is nice to know what the custom is for tipping in the country you’re in. Many countries have different rules for tipping and as we always want to be kind & respectful when traveling it is an important thing to take note of.

Transportation: It is very helpful to know how you’ll get around wherever you are. I like to research transportation upon arrival in a city as well. Especially if you’re flying into an airport. The arrival in my opinion can be one of the most stressful parts of travel, I feel we are always trying to make sure we are not ripped off getting a taxi etc. It helps to look up options and see if there is public transit or if a private driver is the way to go, or if taxis are safe and reliable. It is also beneficial to know what ways of getting around are safe and efficient in the city you’re in.

Pharmacies/Medication: Depending on where you are traveling it can be very important to know what type of medical care will be available. In Europe for example you can walk into any pharmacy and tell them what is wrong and receive help immediately. In some countries this option might be far less accessible. I often travel with some basic meds just in case, I have even had doctors prescribe me things before travel just in case. It is also important to be prepared and know what you will do should the need arise.

Plugs/Adapters: It is important to know what types of plugs and adapters you might need in a different country. You can’t just stick an American plug into any socket in any country. Make sure you know what you’ll need before you visit another country. We have also had some experiences where we even had the correct plug and it didn’t work, so sometimes we bring two different types just in case. Many of these plugs now have multiple countries built in, so you only need one.

Weather: This might go without saying but it’s always good to check the weather. You should know if it might be hurricane season, might be freezing, might be tremendously hot, rainy season, etc. You may still want to travel to that place during that time anyway, and sometimes for cost reasons. But it is always still important and valuable to be aware.

Local laws: It is always important to do a quick scan of laws in the places you’re traveling as well. It is rare, but we’ve heard some stories about people breaking laws in other countries that they never could have imagined were laws.

Events: Check to see if any fun events are happening where you are when you are there! We have been surprised multiple times now with events happening in cities we were visiting! We stumbled upon the festival of St Peter and St Paul in Corniglia, Italy, the half new year in Korcula, Croatia, the world cup in numerous cities, and the list goes on. It is always fun to catch a cool event or celebration that a town has!

Water: Quick and simple, but it is nice to know if you can or can not drink water from the tap in the place you’re visiting. In some countries it’s very important to be careful and is definitely something to check on no matter where you are traveling. This is an awesome app that you can use to download maps of the place you’re going before you arrive. Basically an offline map you can use anytime. This one may be less relevant as wifi and internet become more readily available during travel, however this one has worked for us even on hikes in the mountains or in more remote places and it can be very useful. 

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