Don’t skip this Sunset, wine, and tapas tour in Barcelona

This post may contain affiliate links which support my work on this blog and finding these amazing experiences. There is NO cost to you if you use these links and it helps me to keep this blog AD free! If you noticed any pics that say “provided by Devour Tours” it is because I was enjoying myself too much to remember to take them so they generously provided some!

I was traveling and planning for a group of 6 girls. I wanted everyone to be able to get a real feel for Barcelona, I wanted it to be fun and easy, and I didn’t want to be in charge of it! Handing it all over to Devour Tours was perfect. I knew we’d get to try lots of new food and drinks and see some new spots without having to do all the crazy research.

A food tour is one of my favorite ways to get to know a new city. You get to try so many things and then you know what you’d like to order and try as you continue on your adventure. It’s also a great thing to do when traveling solo or as a couple. It gives you a chance to talk to some like minded people, and also connects you with other tourists who may have great ideas or plans they can share with you! I almost always get a new idea for something to do on a tour like this!

These tours also allow you to wander around a bit in between stops and learn a little bit about the history of Barcelona. It’s aways important to me to learn a bit on our tours and I really appreciated how knowledgable our guide was about so much.

Finally, I am really not a huge fan of large group tours that make it difficult to hear or have a personal experience. This was a small group and felt really personal and like we were all on an adventure together.

The food on this tour was amazing. We stopped at 3 very local spots that I can’t imagine we ever would have stumbled into on our own. For me, that is one of the highlights of this tour. I want to be taken to places away from the tourist track that feel more local and authentic and this hit all of those marks.

We were fed MULTIPLE tapas at all 3 stops and this was MORE than enough food to be considered dinner for the night. Some of the things we tried were classics and some were brand new to me. Some I likely would never have ordered off the menu (I just wouldn’t have known) so it was so nice to get a chance to try so many things.

Stop 1: Our first stop was called “SANTAGUSTANA”. here we tried some classic croquettes which were absolutely wonderful. Croquettes in Barcelona are amazing, do not skip them! They were one of my favorite things anywhere we ate. We also tried “Russian salad with tuna”. This is definitely something I wouldn’t have ordered myself off the menu, I honestly wouldn’t even have known what it was. The tuna in the salad was delicious. We also got to try some cured meat here and it was fantastic! One of the best parts of Barcelona is eating jamon everywhere you go!

Stop 2: The next spot was called “Bastaix” and this was another spot I never would have even noticed was there, which is perfect. We were taken to an awesome room in the basement and started right off with some wine, chips, cheese, and olives. It was lovely. We then got to try some Vermouth, which is quite different in Barcelona than you may have had in other parts of the world or be familiar with. We also got to try an EXCELLENT fish dish. It was one of the highlights of the tour and I think it may have been an off menu item, so it pays to go with a guide.

Stop 3: This stop was called “Pla B” it looks like it’s no longer open but they have another bar called “Bar del Pla” that looks like it’s essentially the same. Here we got to try some fantastic red wines which we really enjoyed! We also got patatas bravas which are a Barcelona favorite for many. We tried a very interesting meat dish that I definitely wouldn’t have ordered but enjoyed VERY much. We also got a nice sized meat dish each to finish off all of the food. Then we got desert here as well!

We were completely full and satisfied after this tour and I wouldn’t recommend scheduling a dinner afterwards.

The tour provided countless drinks between our 3 stops. This was a wine and tapas tour so we got to try a number of wines. It was fun to work our way through the different types of beverages. We started with Cava (Spanish sparkling wine), which was the perfect way to begin! We moved to try Vermouth (which is very different than you may be used to), and white wine at our second stop. Finally we ended with some wonderful reds and even a desert wine. I loved that so many of the wines we tried were local to the area! We also had a member of our group who was not drinking alcohol and they did a wonderful job providing alternative beverages throughout the evening.

Dietary Restrictions: Devour was very good with this and they have a whole section on their site that explains what they can/will do for those with restrictions. I would highly advise reaching out when you book the tour though to tell them in advance so that they can prepare. (I would recommend this with any tour)

Non Alcoholic Needs: If someone in your party does not drink alcohol it is again advisable to let them know before the tour. Our guide was wonderful and accommodating and provided alternative beverages at each location.

Sustainability: Devour has a pledge on their website that mentions their work with smaller and family run businesses in the places they do their tours. The stops you make are all small and local and really adds to the experience. We noticed this on our tour in Paris as well.

Extra Recommendations: On both tours we did our guides were kind enough to share area recommendations with us when the tour was over. This is such a small but super valuable gesture and is why again, I recommend doing a food tour early on! Getting these suggestions is so helpful and valuable.

My husband and I also did the Apertif, Food, and Wine tour in Paris and enjoyed it as well. It’s a great way to explore the Latin Quarter and navigate this touristy corner of Paris.

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